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Photos - 2016 Royal Palm DanceSport Competition - Latin Division

Photos taken by Christiane Gosselin

See Gallery of Photos Below

Enjoy Photos from the Latin Division of Royal Palm Competition

See Also: Photos from the Smooth, Rhythm & Standard Divisions & FAU Formation Team at our 2016 Competition.


[Click on any thumbnail below to enlarge. Then, click on the right side of the enlarged image to scroll through the first page of photos below. Click on the next page of photos at bottom of this page, to scroll through more photos.

To exit the image scroll mode, click “X” in upper right corner of enlarged image, or press “Esc” on your keyboard.]


See More Pages of Pictures from the Latin Division at the bottom of this page.

Click on numbers above to see more pages of Latin Pictures.


See Also Photos from the Smooth, Rhythm, and Standard Divisions & FAU Formation Team at our 2016 Competition



Count Down to Next Competition


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